Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Applicant InformationFirst Name:Name you go by:Last Name: Date of Birth:Address:Address Line 1Address Line 2City— Select state —AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingStateZip CodeEmail Address: *Home Phone:Cell Phone: Nova Parent/Guardian Name: Name: Job Title: Email Address: Name: education (Include Other Parent/Guardian Name: Name:Occupation:Email Address:For High School Applicants Only:High School Name: Address:Date of Graduation:Weighted GPA:Unweighted GPA:Rank:Class Size: List your top 3 college or vocational/technical school choices: Top School Name 1:Accepted?YesNo Decision YetTop School Name 2:Accepted? YesNo Decision YetTop School Name 3:Accepted?YesNo Decision Yet For High School, College and International Students SAT/ACT Tests, National Exams, and International Exams Are Optional If you’d like to self-report test scores for the committee to review, please complete the following for any scores you’d like to be considered. For the SAT and ACT, report your highest total score from a single test date and separately your highest individual exam section scores and the committee will “superscore” for you. SAT – Scholastic Assessment Test SAT Composite Score(Month/Year)SAT Evidence-Based Reading & Writing Score(Month/Year) SAT Math Score(Month/Year) ACT – American College Testing ACT Composite Score:(Month/Year) ACT Math Score:(Month/Year) ACT Science Score:(Month/Year) ACT English Score(Month/Year) ACT Reading Score:(Month/Year) International exam results for students applying from outside the US International exam results for students applying from outside the US For Applicants in Undergraduate or Post High School Programs: Name of Institution: Address: Major:Expected Date of Graduation: Current GPA on a 4.0 Scale:Where are you attending school next year? If presently at a 2 Year College, do you intend to transfer to a four year school?YesNo Extracurricular Activities and Work Experience – For All Applicants List and briefly describe up to six extracurricular activities, work experiences, hobbies, or significant family responsibilities. Applicants should not list their high school involvement unless they are current high school seniors. You may upload a separate file to complete your list.1. Description of Activity (Include roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments) Show dates involved and number of hours/week.File Upload – Extracurricular Resume – Up to 6 Activities Click or drag a file to this area to upload. 2. Description of Activity (Include roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments) Show dates involved and number of hours/week.3. Description of Activity (Include roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments) Show dates involved and number of hours/week.4. Description of Activity (Include roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments) Show dates involved and number of hours/week.5. Description of Activity (Include roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments) Show dates involved and number of hours/week.6. Description of Activity (Include roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments) Show dates involved and number of hours/week.Short Answer (75-150 words) Select your most meaningful experience from the above list and briefly describe its significance to you. Consider the transformative nature of the experience, the impact you helped make, and your personal growth due to your participation. Select your most meaningful experience from the above list and briefly describe its significance to you. Consider the transformative nature of the experience, the impact you helped make, and your personal growth due to your participation. Essays All applicants are required to submit two short essays. All essays are to be submitted on a separate sheet. First Time Applicants: Please submit essays 1 and 2. Returning Applicants: Please submit essays 2 and 3. Previously submitted essays will not be accepted. Your essays can be submitted by typing into the text box provided or uploading a PDF or Word document in the provided space. Essay 1: Discuss your academic and career goals and your plans to achieve them. Has there been a person or event that has inspired you to pursue these goals? (250-500 words)Essay 1 Upload: Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Essay 2: The Nova Biomedical Scholarship was created when Nova Biomedical employees came together to give back and support those in their own community. Tell us about a way in which you are supporting your community (cultural, extracurricular, religious, academic, local, etc.).Essay 2 Upload: Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Essay 3: How has your education or other experiences during this past year assisted you in preparing you to meet your future career goals and objectives? (250-500 words)Essay 3 Upload: Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Official School Transcript Current official school transcript must be sent directly from your school. If all grades do not appear on current transcript, send other official school transcripts directly from the school to Nova Biomedical Two Letters of Recommendation All applicants must submit two letters of recommendation written by a recent/current teacher, professor, coach, employer, advisor, or clergy. Letters written by friends or family will not be accepted. Previously submitted letters will not be accepted. Letters must be sent directly to Nova using letterhead stationary in a signed and sealed envelope or emailed with their professional email address. Have You Received a Nova Scholarship or Award Previously? YesNoYear:Year: Year: $ Amount:$ Amount: $ Amount: First Time Applicants Please request the following documents be sent directly to Nova: • Two current letters of recommendation sent directly from the author to Nova Biomedical • Current official school transcript sent directly from the school to Nova Biomedical • Other official school transcripts if all grades do not appear on current transcript, send directly from the school to Nova BiomedicalReturning Applicants Please request the following documents be sent directly to Nova: • Two current letters of recommendation sent directly from the author to Nova Biomedical • Current official school transcript sent directly from the school to Nova Biomedical • Other official school transcripts if all grades do not appear on current transcript, send directly from the school to Nova BiomedicalYour Signature Clear Signature Date SignedSubmit Applicationor Click here to “save and resume” your application later. File uploads will have to be re-entered when you resume. Heads up! File uploads will have to be re-entered when you resume. Saving your progress now will store a copy of your entry on this server. Continue Go Back Your form entry has been saved and a unique link has been created which you can access to resume this form. Enter your email address to receive the link via email. Alternatively, you can copy and save the link below. Please note, this link should not be shared and will expire in 30 days, afterwards your form entry will be deleted. Copy Link Email * Send Link